Just finished reading "cattivi amici" by Gilly Macmillan.
Original title: "Odd child out".
An intense and fascinating psychological thriller ??
#jimclemo #macmillan #oddchildout #mystery #thriller
Just finished reading "cattivi amici" by Gilly Macmillan.
Original title: "Odd child out".
An intense and fascinating psychological thriller ??
#jimclemo #macmillan #oddchildout #mystery #thriller
Sunday quarantine and relax☀️
Currently reading➡️The Snowman, Jo Nesbo .
Page 122 of 536.. for the moment pick🤘🏻
#currentlyreadind #jonesbo #thesnowman #thriller #giallo #harryhole
#currentlyreading #ninfeenere #bussi #monet #ninfee #giallo #thriller #murder
Per gli amanti della pittura e dei libri gialli
#currentlyreading Page 171 of 526
#enigma #thriller #mystery #lesettemortidievelynhardcastle
Incuriosita dalle numerose recensioni positive, ecco i miei prestiti di oggi in biblioteca..da quale iniziare per primo?
#gialli #thriller #carrisi #zafón