Finally starting this today, been saving it as my first read for 2019! With all the hype I‘ve been hearing, I‘m insanely excited to start it!
Finally starting this today, been saving it as my first read for 2019! With all the hype I‘ve been hearing, I‘m insanely excited to start it!
What a book! As far as coming of age tales go, this is one of the best I've read in awhile. Loved the characters, all the twists and turns were well fleshed out and came together to tell a great story. A common thing I'm reading about the book is it's a "love letter to the 80's" and that's honestly the perfect way to describe it. It's just so much fun and a new favorite of mine. Can't recommend this one enough! 5/5
I really loved this book guys! Short and to the point, thought it was very thought provoking and I really enjoyed the dialogue throughout. I won't go into a lot of detail regarding the ending, but I really enjoyed it. One of those stories that'll keep you up at night thinking about life. 4/5
So excited to start on this one tonight, have heard nothing but great things about it! #alittlelife
A good detective mystery is always a guilty pleasure of mine and this book was no different. Really enjoyed the characters and I think Amos is unique enough to make this a successful story. The ending felt a bit rushed but otherwise I enjoyed it. My first Baldacci, think I may pick up the second in the series. If you enjoy a good mystery, give it shot!
Well here goes, first review/upload as a member of this fine community. Guys I LOVED this, so far my favorite book I've read this year! This is how you do the post apocalyptic genre. Very much character driven, loved Arthur, read this book ASAP!