I likes this book a lot though I only read this one I would really love to get my hands on the other two
This story relates to the real world so much because it shows how a lot of girls are raped and their rapist are usually someone they know and how that of you keep quiet then your rapist is going to walk free in this Melinda was raped by Andy a Senior at her school he raped her while they were at a high school end of the summer party she keeps quite and doesn't tell anyone what happened she also loses all her friends when she calls the cops........
I likes this book a lot though I only read this one I would really love to get my hands on the other two
This book made me super sad like this story is just a roller coater of emotions but if you really wanna understand things that happen in it you have to read Forged by Fire first then this but over and all the whole series is really good
At first it took me forever to get into this book I don't know why it just did but as I read it the more it drew me in and to be honest a lot of things that happened surprised me like Brittany and Alex getting together because he was the bad boy gang member and she was the preppy girl that had to be perfect but what also surprised me is when Paco died because i really wasn't expecting that and it made me super sad...
"Who we are and who we need to be to survive are two very different things" -Bellamy Blake
I just loved it in my opinion it's better than the tv show but I guess you could say that's because my ship happens in it lol
This is my favorite TV series and as soon as i heard there was a book i had to read it i read the book and i love the book more than the series right now I am reading the second book