Borrowing the audiobook book versions of books I already own because I can‘t read and knit at the same time
Borrowing the audiobook book versions of books I already own because I can‘t read and knit at the same time
I‘ve seen the drama but totally forgot I had the book.. we‘ll just vol.1
Give me all the true crime samples
😍Saturdaze (also it's a real physical book!)
Working on my skincare
Trying out the prime version of Audible with this book I've wanted to read for months.
Exciting new book acquisition pt 1. Thanks to a horror book video from @bookriot
Just saw the Serial reading app on Book Riot so I'm trying it out. I've been wanting to read this book for a few months now and general read more classics But the page count and language seemed really daunting.. Let's see how this goes
Late night listening while I knit. I tried reading the book but I never have time to sit down and read now I can multitask
Just picked this up today after hearing about it on...get booked (I think.. Or all the books). Can't wait to start it.