#aprilbooksshowers Day 1- my April TBR! It's super ambitious because I'm taking part in Dewey's read-a-thon and the three mini Read-a-thons that are happening before hand! Not pictured is Starstruck by S. E. Anderson
#aprilbooksshowers Day 1- my April TBR! It's super ambitious because I'm taking part in Dewey's read-a-thon and the three mini Read-a-thons that are happening before hand! Not pictured is Starstruck by S. E. Anderson
This book is.. okay. I didn‘t love it, but I didn‘t hate it either. The pacing, for one thing, was all over the place. The concept was a cool idea, but not really necessary. The amount of detail told wasn‘t very consistent. In addition, the beginning of the book dragged on a bit, and all the action happened VERY fast at the end. It wasn‘t necessarily bad. It was just okay for me.
The books in my backpack! 3 English classes, 5 books, plus 2 other plays not shown. I read a lot! 😂 #booksinmybag
"I've heard girls say it's like melting, that feeling. But I think it's rising, growing even taller and seeing sights over a hedge, colors you've never seen before" (285)
4.3/5 stars
Of the two books I‘ve read in my science fiction class so far, this one is definitely my favorite. The language is simple and gets the story across. Though it‘s a pretty short book, it packs a HUGE punch to it! The action scenes are thrilling, and the pseudo-science makes sense.
The one thing I didn‘t really like about this book was Robert Neville. I found him to be self-riotous and REALLY creepy when it came to women especially.