Excited to get started with this; heard so many good things! #acotar
Excited to get started with this; heard so many good things! #acotar
My current #tbr shelf! Hoping to power my way through most of these during July, despite it being one of the busiest times in the school year! Anyone read any of these/planning to read them? Would love your opinions about which one to start with!
#determination #icandothis #bookblogger #tbrpost
I remember way back when I was adamant that I would never own a #Kindle, never read an #ebook. It's true that my Kindle can never compare to the perfection of a new, real-life book, but it's gone a long way to (thankfully) proving me wrong over the years! Currently re-reading Brandon Sanderson's amazing Words Of Radiance. An all-time fave! #dogsoflitsy #labradorlove
Love a good #booksale! So many hidden treasures! #bookhoarder
Just finished reading this absolute gem! Set at the advent of the Second World War, Franzl leaves behind his provincial lake-side Austrian life for the bustle of mid-century Vienna. I found it wistfully romantic and completely charming; will definitely be coming back to Robert Seethaler again!