Each book I read goes through a rite of passage when it gets placed in the esteemed "read corner". Most recent edition: Giovanni's Rooms by James Baldwin. 5/5
Each book I read goes through a rite of passage when it gets placed in the esteemed "read corner". Most recent edition: Giovanni's Rooms by James Baldwin. 5/5
All it takes is one page from Cormac to get me back in the swing of things.
As close to childhood as I could ever hope to capture. Brilliance.
Talk about an opening sentence. Wow.
Still trying to find time to read nicks story but I'm having trouble. Can't stop trying to itch that scratch that can't be itched. My view>your view. Went through three pens already! Hand doesn't even hurt!
Re reading gatsby but more importantly, today has also been very productive in terms of work on my first draft of my book! I've finally decided on a structure and I'm going all out! Metallica playlist in the background all night!!
This side of paradise has definitely seen better days. Thanks to my Great Dane/Mastiff mix :(
Which should I start first? I'm thinking paradise lost. The great gatsby is a re-read anyway. Maybe cloud atlas next?
The best thing a man can do for his culture when he is rich is to endeavor to carry out those schemes which he entertained when he was poor.
Re-reading my favorite book of all time!
Fortunata you vicious slut!
In dubious battle should be read in highschool instead of "Of Mice and Men". Both are superb but I feel like In Dubious Battle is a little more relevant to today's political climate.
Currently reading Rabbit, Run by John Updike. First novel I have read by him. Also check out his short story A&P.
Well, you never knew exactly how much space you occupied in people's lives.
Recently been reading a lot of modernist writers. Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway is among the best. Also as an American is was interesting to see the English perspective of life after the Great War. Much more in my taste then something say "A Farewell to Arms" by Hemingway.
"Told by and idiot, full of sound and fury."