So happy I continued my “tour” of Jane Austen with Persuasion. How could you not fall in love with writing like this?
So happy I continued my “tour” of Jane Austen with Persuasion. How could you not fall in love with writing like this?
Loved it. One of the publishers write ups or marketing blurbs said something about bringing you back to your first love. It didn‘t do that (Thank God, he was awful) but it left me with butterflies and the jitters and all the feels. I was right there with each of the main characters. Ugh, the drama of high school love.
I see that nothing is getting accomplished until I finish this book..
What else to do at 1am but finished the last 60% of a book? I love how Gregory Maguire takes the stories we think we know and makes them believable.
I cannot express how exciting this was for me!!!
I‘m 1/4 the way through! I started reading Emma a couple years ago, determined to read more than just Pride and Prejudice, and wanting to read the original before seeing any adaptations, and realized the movie Clueless was basically the 90s version of this. Ever since, anytime I open the book I see Alicia silverstone and it‘s made it super hard to read it. It‘s definitely easier with the audiobook.
Not sure I could add to this list. Thinking about any situation where I‘d have to give up my children scares me. Those to put up their children for adoption have to be the strongest people in the world.
I can‘t seem to settle on a book... every book I start is interesting and I want to finish it, I just can‘t seem to find the time. Can‘t wait for hubby to stop traveling, and for job number two to be done for the semester... my TBR pile is much too neglected. In the meantime, I‘m hoping. Short poetry book will get me through!!
Loved it. We need more books like this for our kids! I loved how real it all felt, not forced, not overly dramatic, but real emotions. I also went to see the movie and while I spent some of it going, well, that‘s not how things happened in the book (much to the chagrin of my companions lol) overall they did a good job with that too.
Into the next book. Of all the books in my stacks, I grabbed this on sale at Target and figured, perfect, I can read the book before watching the movie. Which is a laugh, because when do I have time to watch movies? 😂
I listened to this book on audible, which I think definitely helped the experience. It was kind of like sitting in the car with Trevor Noah himself chatting about his life. I liked that he told stories, not necessarily in chronological order, and that he made some pretty profound insights into society and the workings of the world while he was at it, without sounding preachy.
We tell people to follow their dreams but you can only dream what you can imagine and depending on where you grow up your imagination can be quite limited. -Trevor Noah
Determined to keep checking books off my “want to read” list, this time with the help of Audible!
This book is amazing. Slightly scary for someone like me who has Alzheimer‘s meandering through her family, but that‘s why I wanted to read it. It creates an understanding of the disease I haven‘t found in other literature. Go- read it now, if you haven‘t already.
I can‘t wait to reread this!!! Love the series, love the book. It‘s tied for my favorite adaptation of the original, Pride and Prejudice. I cannot say enough wonderful things about this. I‘ve recommended it to every P&P fan I know.
It‘s hitting a little close to home- Alzheimer‘s runs in my family- but so glad I‘m finally reading this book. I promised myself I wouldn‘t watch the movie until I did. Has anyone seen it? Is it worth it? I‘m enjoying the book so far, and would hate for the movie to ruin it for me. Lol
Ending the year the best way I know how... with a book that‘s been at the top of my “to-read” pile. Excited to be stepping out of my comfort genres.
I can't believe I didn't know about this books existence!! This is making my summer!! Slow going though, because I'm trying to re-watch the series as I read the book.
Figured I'd give myself some inspiration heading into the homestretch of the school year... The beautiful weather helps
It seems silly, but it's kinda exciting to be relieving my favorite childhood series in a new way..
Best way I can think of to spend New Years Eve!!
So excited to start reading this! My Gilmore girls obsession deepens LOL
Kids are finally sleeping... Woohoo!
I couldn't put this book down! Which says a lot, since this isn't the type of book I go for. I found myself reading the sections a little out of order because I didn't want to wait to find out what happened with certain characters!
When a student, who had fought you on reading for years, hands you a book and recommends it, you start it right away 😃🙌
I need to remember this line. It's true on so many levels.