This book was amazing. I could not put it down! Highly recommend it. Cahalan's disease and recovery is captivating. Her true story kept me up at night and will stay with me for a long time.
This book was amazing. I could not put it down! Highly recommend it. Cahalan's disease and recovery is captivating. Her true story kept me up at night and will stay with me for a long time.
I had such high hopes for this book since I love traveling and pasta! But it was very lackluster. Though Lin-Liu travels to many fascinating places it doesn't feel like she really experiences them, and she could have written much more about the people and cultures.
As a big Archie fan I really enjoyed Afterlife with Archie. Amazingly illustrated and super dark, this holds true to the characters we know and love. I highly recommend it!
This book left me feeling like I missed its whole point. I was very excited to read it, and when it ended I simply said "huh." I know lots of people love it, but it missed its mark for me.
Read this for Imaginary Book Club. It started out promisingly but didn't amount to much. A disappointing read in my opinion.
So good! Not at all what I was expecting, in the best way possible. Fans of Morning Glories will enjoy this (as a fan, I really did)!
I honestly could not put this book down. I'm pretty sure I took too long of a lunch every day for a week so I could read more. This book is so beautifully written and when I finished it I felt lost, because I was so invested in it. Best book!
This book was amazing. The characters were so authentic! They had such real emotions and interactions, I loved it. Jojo Moyes has the relationship two sisters have down perfectly. I read this for Imaginary Book Club and am so happy I did! It is so much more than a mere romance.