Happy #SockSunday with my CR #AndIDarken by Kiersten White 😊💕
Happy #SockSunday with my CR #AndIDarken by Kiersten White 😊💕
"I‘ve never been angry to have been born a woman. There have been times I‘ve been angry at how the world treats us, but I see being a woman as a challenge I must fight. Like being born under a stormy sky. Some people are lucky enough to be born on a bright summer‘s day. Maybe we were born under clouds. No wind. No rain. Just a mountain of clouds we must climb each morning so that we may see the sun."
I have already read so many amazing fantasy books this year, but my favourite fantasy of ALL times will probably always be HARRY POTTER 😍💞
Do you agree? 😄
"To the stars who listen - and the dreams that are answered."
Good Night ?
Hello 👋
My name is Anne, 21, from Luxembourg.
I love books (*Snape voice* obviously), photography and traveling 🌍 I started #bookstagram 2 years ago and I enjoy posting about my favourite books 📚💞