These short stories like a roadmap for the human heart. They are so fantastically written and interesting and full I can't put this book down or away.
These short stories like a roadmap for the human heart. They are so fantastically written and interesting and full I can't put this book down or away.
National book award finalist Sy Montgomery makes you love and understand octopus. I will never eat it again. And it makes me have empathy for all life. I still squish centipedes that live in my house but the octopus is forever safe with me.
A perfect study in how to make unlikable character's empathetic and 100% readable. This is my go to favorite book.
I didn't realize how much I liked this book until I finished it walked away and couldn't stop thinking about it weeks later
From the beginning to the end each character was fully realized and so interesting. It's a great rendition of old friends coming back together and telling the tales of their lives
This is part of the dog literacy program called peanut reads. Peanut knows a lot of people that he likes just fine when they're not around
This book was based on watching a woman who is clearly rich shoplift. And I wanted to make a story up about why