"What are you reading?"
"City on Fire."
"Yeah? What's it about?"
"It's about 300 pages too long."
"What are you reading?"
"City on Fire."
"Yeah? What's it about?"
"It's about 300 pages too long."
"An artist is someone who combines a desperate need to be understood with the fiercest love of privacy."
Cline does this great thing, telling a story about a girl drawn into a cult but then making the story more about the female relationships than the male cult leader. Loved it.
"You ever see that TV movie about the clown in the sewer?"
Must be nice to be so influential you can plausibly allude to your own work in a book.
Loved it. Really scary, quick read.
Malerman basically has one idea, but it's a good one.
Book and a Beverage: Josh Malerman's Bird Box and a Boulevardier. It's been a long day, and this is what's been keeping me going.
What are you reading/drinking tonight?
Spotted in the car on the way to the grocery store. A friend must've returned it to my wife after a long loan period. Still one of the most devastating books I've ever read. I wouldn't survive the movie.
Loving the writing in Darin Strauss's HALF A LIFE. Like this, describing the feeling of having a newborn baby: "...sleep was a coating I'd been deprived of, leaving my wiring all exposed." YES.