I read a huge chunk of this engrossing bio yesterday but am working all weekend so won't have much time to spend with it until next week. But maybe that's okay -- I was getting seriously irritated with Jackson's husband, Stanley Edgar Hyman.
I read a huge chunk of this engrossing bio yesterday but am working all weekend so won't have much time to spend with it until next week. But maybe that's okay -- I was getting seriously irritated with Jackson's husband, Stanley Edgar Hyman.
I know that this has received mixed reviews but I thought it was quite good. A bit slow to start but once you're hooked it is so gripping.
My #FunFridayPhoto features a fox on the cover of one of my favorite books from last year. #crookedheart #lissaevans 🐺
I started this galley last night and am definitely intrigued. It's a bit dark and lots of mysterious with a curious narrator. And it's in Minnesota so everything's always frozen. #historyofwolves #emilyfridlund
I've had so much trouble finding a book that will stick this week. I think I finally hit on "the one". Loving this. #shirleyjackson #thehauntingofhillhouse
This was so enjoyable and a surprisingly fantastic title to discuss in my book club this month.
This book is so good it's sickening. I never want it to end. #thequeenofthenight #alexanderchee