Incredibly predictable with a narrator so blind to what's in front of her you'll want to slap her. Not a great example of the genre but might be enjoyable for a reader new to this style of thriller.
Incredibly predictable with a narrator so blind to what's in front of her you'll want to slap her. Not a great example of the genre but might be enjoyable for a reader new to this style of thriller.
An interesting premise that's let down somewhat by an unbelievable main character and internal inconsistencies. The story felt disjointed, the mystery was lacking depth and was somehow both poorly seeded and yet predictable. Uncertain at times if it was a mystery or a romance, it tries and fails to be both The ending felt rushed, which was strange as the rest of the book felt slow and over-long. Despite all these flaws, I still quite enjoyed it.
The Girl Before alternates from the present day to flashbacks, so I was expecting twists and turns but instead the story unfolded predictably - but that shouldn't be viewed as a negative. The appeal in this book is not discovering the what happened, but instead taking the reader on a powerful emotional journey. The narrator Clara is a very believable character, and even when she is wrong, as a reader you cannot help but understand and empathise