Just finished the book... Can't say much as I don't want to give anything away, but you won't be disappointed!
Just finished the book... Can't say much as I don't want to give anything away, but you won't be disappointed!
I know it's being released in a couple weeks in the US, but has anyone read this one? I loved Beartown, but I'm not sure it required a sequel. Like a sequel to a good movie, I'm nervous about reading this one.
Great updated version of a classic. Took a few chapters to get into and sort out who all the characters were both within this book and the original, but with each chapter I became more engrossed in the story and really loved this version. It''s true to Shakespeare, while being a great Nesbo novel!
Kevin Lewis at the Hudson Children's Book Festival! So excited to meet him. Chugga Chugga Choo Choo was the first book to hook my younger son! Loved it so much, I had to replace it after he ate the 1st copy he had!
So excited to meet Jason Reynolds at the Hudson Children's Book Festival!
Wow! Difficult topic, no tidy ending, hard to read. Yes, it's a YA book, but this is one that needs to be read and discussed.
There seems to be a trend in formulas for psychological thrillers. This book definitely follows the formula. I think the appeal of the book depends on how many others you have read like it. I found it predictable.
I learned a lot about different cultures and the struggles and prejudices faced by both custom and others. The story was really good. It was also well done in showing how one mistake can effect future outcomes. The only thing that confused me were some of the side stories. Some of them weren't tied into the main story and I wasn't sure of the purpose. Definitely worth the read though!
I really liked this one. I felt this book had a very interesting perspective. The narrator starts out indifferent to what is happening around her and ends up working for Hitler. She learns about herself and the realities of what is happening on Nazi Germany, while being very sheltered from reality. I read this one for my book club and am looking forward to discussing it with others as it provides lots of talking points.
The Widow was a good, easy read. It kept my attention throughout. I was expecting plot twists and suspense based on it being billed as psychological thriller, but I don't think it necessarily lived up to those expectations. Still, I enjoyed it enough that I will read The Child.
From Madeline L'Engle's Newbery acceptance speech written in August of 1963... Not much has changed unfortunately 😢😡🤔
Wow! What a powerful book! Not an easy read and makes you think every step of the way... But definitely well worth it.
This past month I've read 2 AMAZING BOOKS...this one and Ginny Moon. I need an easy read next!
"The dead are never far from us. They're in our hearts and on our minds and in the end all that separates us from them is a single breath, one final puff of air."
My book club picked this book for our next read. I was worried I wouldn't finish it in time (since I hadn't started it), so I took a break from the book I had been reading and picked this one up. I don't think it was an accident since I had just returned from my grandfather's funeral.
First page of BearTown... Talk about an intro to hook the reader!
Absolutely loved this book!!! I can't remember the last time I was so emotionally invested in a character! Highly recommend this one!
I'm still not sure how I feel about Ginny's forever mom. I know I should be more sympathetic towards her as life with Ginny and a newborn is incredibly difficult, but I'm still angry with her negativity... Always thinking the worst of Ginny and looking down on others (like when she talks about Goodwill). But I loved Ginny's story and watching her grow stronger and start learning how to self-advocate!
Still reading, but need to vent... Up to page 197 and right now Ginny's forever mom has me all worked up!!! 😡😡😡
I'm currently reading Ginny Moon. You know you've been sucked in when your heart is racing and anxiety is up! I just keep hoping Baby Doll isn't real and scared that she is!!!! I'm only on page 53... Don't tell me... 🤪🤪🤪
This book defintely unsettles you and stays with you. Saying I liked it feels weird, even though I did. Left me feeling...
Fun afternoon at The Book House... Reading and signing with Gregory Maguire!
Heartbreaking 💔 My first thought when I finished this book. Loved the characters and the honesty portrayed between them in their relationships with each other and themselves in regards to mental health. OCD is pretty prevalent in my family. The insight provided was eye opening and appreciated!
Finally read my 1st Agatha Christie novel. While I enjoyed it, can't help but wonder if I missed something by not knowing French. Any thoughts?
❤️📖 Need to get a nice book shelf to properly display my signed book collection! ❤️📖
My Black Friday haul from Barnes and Noble! All this for only $38 out of pocket! So proud of myself! 😂😂😂
This series is my "guilty pleasure." ?
Great Read!!!! I loved the mystery within a mystery aspect as well as the discussions about the mystery genre as a whole. Definitely recommend!
Not for me... I wanted to like it and read the whole thing hoping there would be something. Annoying characters and predictable. No surprises or anything shocking.
I've read all the reviews and agree this book could be over the top in places, but I have to say I REALLY enjoyed it! Don't want to say to much and give something away, but I would recommend giving it a try! #pagehabit
My son and his cat enjoying the Al Capone series by Gennifer Choldenko 😊
Just received my first box from PageHabit! Full of fun stuff plus a book annotated by the author. Coincidentally, I just finished a different book by the same author (and enjoyed it)! #mypagehabit
Finally read this book after the TV show caused so much contraversy. (I didn't see the show and the book has been on my to read list for years.) I have a son going into high school, this was the right time to read it. No glamorizing suicide. If we can't talk about we can't prevent it. The events in this book are so common but need to be talked about People need to see how every action, no matter how inconsequential it may seem, does effect others
I was a little hesitant to read this one. I had read The Dinner, which I had loved and then couldn't wait to read Summer House with Swimming Pool. Unfortunately I was disappointed and did not like that one. Dear Mr. M ended up being a fantastic read and I was not at all disappointed! Would highly recommend this one.
My kids and I spent a fantastic evening with Kate DiCamillo, listening to her read from her newest book, answer questions, and finished with a book signing!
Great book with unpredictable twists and turns! I enjoyed this one even though the characters weren't likeable.