This dude can freakin write. I read Bear v. Shark last year, per Liberty's recommendation on All the Books and enjoyed it. However, that book did not prepare me for the excellence of this one.
This dude can freakin write. I read Bear v. Shark last year, per Liberty's recommendation on All the Books and enjoyed it. However, that book did not prepare me for the excellence of this one.
The most refreshing slice of bat-shit crazy I've had in a while.
This is fun and awesome. I absolutely loved it. Haters be damned!!!!
It's a book! About books!........BOOKS!!!!!
I loved every minute I spent with this book. If you want to see how a master story teller works, read this book.
I love Donald Ray Pollack. This book has a revolving cast of characters, each more fucked up than the last.