Sherlock Holmes and case notes ♡♡♡
'Deserves it (death)! I daresay he does. Many that live deserve death. And some that die deserve life. Can you give it to them? Then do not be too eager to deal out death in judgement. For even the very wise cannot see all ends.'
Perfect evening..
A glass of beer and a great book to keep me company!
OH MY!!!!
I could not put it down! Even after I finished reading it I could not get it out of my head!
The story is about a creepy mental hospital on a creepy isolated island where two US marshalls are sent to find a missing person/murderer. The plot is just....wow!
I really enjoyed reading this book. Robert Langdon is found in Florence and once again, he has a puzzle to solve! The description of the city and its monuments and museums is magical.
If you are a believer, you 'll find this book amazing!
A graphic novel about the author's life in Tehran during the Islamic Revolution that fills your head with knowledge about Iran's politics, history, culture and religion.
Eugene Trivizas is one of my favorite authors! This book is full of his unique way of writing. It delivers a great anti-racist message!
I felt like a child again.. Like the first time I read the first Harry Potter book...
Out of the three books with short stories about Hogwarts I liked this the most! The characters whose stories unfold in this book are some of my favorites!
Really liked it. You learn more things about some of the characters!
As a Potterhead I have to say I LOVED these short stories! The castle of Hogwarts and its secrets always fascinated me!