Been reading it for my thesis, so I can't say I have enjoyed it.
Been reading it for my thesis, so I can't say I have enjoyed it.
📖 Ch1088: This chapter hurts. It is good there is a break next week.
📖 Ch188: OPM never disappoints. There is always something to laugh about. I don't know how much material is left in this story, but I hope it stays around for a long time.
📖 Ch394: So a psycho villain who killed many people decided to stop fighting and killing. Why? Because they were told they look cute. Yes, this just happened in My Hero Academia. What a terrible storytelling. Nonetheless, I still think it is a little bit better than Black Clover because characters do die here. Horikoshi has ruined the story in this final arc. The power of friendship is just stupid.
📖 Ch365: The only good thing about this manga is its drawing. Another easily predicted chapter. The story is so boring. Same events in every arc:
1. A new villain appears
2. Weak characters try to stop him/her
4. They fail and wait for the hero
5. The hero arrives late to save the day
6. No one dies, and they throw a party
It is trying to copy Naruto but very poorly. Why do I read it? I just wanna know how it will end to criticize it properly.
📖 Ch229: Gege is cooking! Top fighting panels. The outcome of this fight is going to change everything.
📖 Ch1087: The story was on a break for a month, but Oda knows how to make up for his fandom. It is difficult to predict what is going to happen.
🎖 On this day three years ago, I finished Magi's manga. Despite the parts when the plot becomes a little bit confusing and all over the place, I enjoyed it. It is a shame the anime did not adapt the whole manga, though.