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With NaNoWriMo only a few weeks away, I decided to read a few of the writing books I downloaded from Storybundle last year. I worried a bit when I read: "So, long before we ever talk about outlining, we‘re going to spend dozens of pages on audience analysis and story theory. You may be wondering if this book is for you. I‘ll be honest: maybe it isn‘t.” I kept reading, however, and found this book was full of great ideas & helpful advice! 3.5/5

TK-421 Excerpt From: Farland, David. “Million Dollar Outlines" Word Fire Press 2014 iBooks 8y
bmsddk Thanks for letting us know about this one, very helpful prep! What are your NaNoWriMo plans? 8y
TK-421 @bmsddk For #NaNoWriMo 2016, I'll be writing book 3 of a fantasy series that's based on characters & events from AD&D campaigns we've played. The stories take place in a unique world our DM (my hubby) created. Are you a fellow #wrimo? 📝 8y
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bmsddk Ooo, that sounds so interesting!!! Have you published/will you publish the series? Have you done NaNoWriMo before? This is my first year, I'm not really sure how it all works. The past several months I've been developing, plotting, outlining, and worldbuilding for a four book science fiction series. I'll be writing the first one for WriMo (clearly I'm a "planner" ?). Any advice or tips? How do you go about it all? (Sorry for all the questions!) 8y
TK-421 @bmsddk At the moment, I'm not pursuing publishing. It's just a fun project. I plan on printing a limited run for my fellow D&D players, close friends & family, but that's a long way off! (I'm still working on draft 2.5 of book 1) This will be my 3rd Nano & hopefully my 2nd "win". I've also participated in Camp Nanowrimo 4 times, but I only reached my word count goal once. 8y
TK-421 @bmsddk Advice? Planning is good! It sounds like you've put a lot of thought into your project & that's great! I'm a planner too but I also allow myself to stray from the plan if something isn't working or inspiration takes me off on a different track. Tips? Just write; no editing until your 1st draft is done! Try to write every day so you don't fall behind. And don't despair: 1st drafts suck! That's what revision is for! 8y
bmsddk That's so exciting for you! Thank you so much for the insight 😄 It's important to be reminded to let the creativity flow, haha. 8y
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