My current reads. Right now I'm reading Looking For Mr. Good Witch. Then I'll read A Toast To Murder because it's due back soon. Then A Bone To Pick. I'll read the comic in between. :) #moongirl #cozymystery #witches #wilmingtonnc
My current reads. Right now I'm reading Looking For Mr. Good Witch. Then I'll read A Toast To Murder because it's due back soon. Then A Bone To Pick. I'll read the comic in between. :) #moongirl #cozymystery #witches #wilmingtonnc
I took this photo at my local library. My favorite branch is further away but this is from the main library branch in downtown Wilmington. Even though it's not my favorite it is the one I go to the most. It's closest to my house and it has a parking garage attached. So in the cold and often weather rainy it's the best to go to with my daughter. #library #northcarolina #wilmingtonNC