My reading has tanked this week. Mostly because I didn't read any comics on the weekend which is usually when I read them. Also, towards the end of my work week I'm so drained that I don't even feel like picking up a book.
My reading has tanked this week. Mostly because I didn't read any comics on the weekend which is usually when I read them. Also, towards the end of my work week I'm so drained that I don't even feel like picking up a book.
I think I'm finally coming out of my reading slump. Making myself just pick up a book and read each day makes me look forward to my next reading session. I'm also back to reading comics. It's been nice to get back into The Walking Dead, especially since Nagan is a well done villain.
95 pages an hour isn‘t exactly right. There were all these extra things at the end of the book that I skipped. I‘m a 50+ page per hour reader. #booklyapp #weeklyreadingreport