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The Coldest Night | Robert Olmstead
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Very profound. I will not forget Henry Childs any time soon. He enlists in the Marine Corps after being beaten. He survives the battle of the Chosin Reservoir during the beginning days of the Korean War. And fights the violence that war leaves inside him when he returns home. I had to go to Wikipedia to learn more about the battle. Olmstead writes in the same vein as Cormac McCarthy and I will read more of his works.

#WestVirginia #NorthKorea

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If I can speak openly, I prefer the newer Clancy books. Even though they're not real Clancys anymore. But they're just a little faster with more story. Even though the details in the older ones are interesting, I still feel better entertained with the new books. And still, even those fail to keep my attention for 700 pages and more. Therefore, I decided to not really continue reading this series.

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39 books read, 1 was a graphic novel and 6 audio books. 19 were from my TBR, so I was somewhat successful in reducing 😄

It was a good reading month with many great books ❤

The Coldest Night | Robert Olmstead
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I know many Littens are dealing with some extremely cold temps this week. I hope you stay warm and dry, and get a lot of reading done while curling up in a blanket inside! 📚 ☕️ 🧥 🔥

The Coldest Night | Robert Olmstead
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I haven't posted on here for awhile, it's been a rough month, I just haven't gotten much reading done. Hopefully next month will be a bit better.

If any of my fellow littens like me are experiencing extreme cold (feels -64F here), I hope you're all safe & cozy inside with a good book to keep you company.

Bry Wow, I guess I should be thankful for my -20 C! 😧⛄️💨❄️ 6y
KrystleTheBookSlayer @Bry I would gladly switch with you 😂 I guess tomorrow it's supposed to be even worse than today...it's going to be a tough week. 6y
CouronneDhiver I vote that the Arctic takes it weather back 🙋🏽‍♀️ 6y
KrystleTheBookSlayer @CouronneDhiver agreed! I actually ended up wearing a sweatshirt and two winter coats out today 😳 6y
CouronneDhiver Yep! I wore a tank top, sweater, vest and a coat. Still sitting here with my tuque on... inside the house 🙃 @KrystleTheBookSlayer 6y
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The Coldest Night | Robert Olmstead
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A good day for reading... ❄️

JenReadsAlot It's just stupid cold! Perhaps more snow and cold days this week 🤔 6y
peaKnit @JenReadsAlot It sounds like a bunch of snow Monday and stupid cold much of the week😝 it‘s a good day to be inside recharging for the next round❄️❄️ 6y
peaKnit @jenreadsalot Schools here are already called off, I hope you are planning a reading day for tomorrow. 🤞🏼 be safe and read😊 6y
JenReadsAlot Really? I probably should take a snow day then... 6y
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The Coldest Night | Robert Olmstead
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Went on a very chilly (-10 F) hike through a beautiful marsh, enjoyed cookies and hot chocolate, and now off to bed to get some quality reading time in! 💜

Freespirit I can‘t even imagine what -10F feels like. Stay warm😊 6y
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The Coldest Night | Robert Olmstead
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RadicalReader @TheReadingMermaid the books are always guaranteed to warm the heart and soul 6y
hermyknee 😂 6y
larah17 All that snow 😍 6y
Ruthiella Can‘t argue with that logic!😀 6y
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The Coldest Night | Robert Olmstead
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The Falcon of Sparta | Conn Iggulden
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My first book from this author. So far so good! Anyone read Iggulden's before? What are your thoughts? 😁

#historicalfiction #warandmilitary