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Being a recovering, lifelong member of “the church” since December, and living in an area where pre wedding virginity checks are preformed on women (but never men of course), I think I need to read this. I read the sample and it was actually very well written. So far, I agree with every part of it.
#ThePurityMyth #JessicaValenti #virginityobsession

Scochrane26 Ewww. Remember not all churches are the same. 5y
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 it‘s not so much about that extreme, but about the “purity” mentality as a whole. Girls and women are more than their sexuality and weather or not they‘ve had sex. It‘s unhealthy for females, but it‘s also unhealthy for the males in this environment. Virginity is an American obsession and it needs to go. 5y
Scochrane26 @gingerantics I agree, although I don‘t think it started with America, just has continued in America. There shouldn‘t be a double standard. But, seriously, pre-wedding confirmation is gross & something that should have stopped happening many yrs ago. 5y
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GingerAntics @Scochrane26 that‘s an extreme that is far more common than most people imagine, but not part of the book. The book focuses on the current American obsession with virginity. It doesn‘t suggest it started here, it does point out that it‘s existed almost always in places men want to control women. It‘s focused here because it‘s pretty much the only place in the first world that is still treating virginity as a commodity, and the author is American. 5y
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 there are a lot of things to do with the way we treat human sexuality that should have stopped years ago. Infant genital mutilation, abstinence only miseducation, letting girls lies to keep them from having sex before it‘s “allowed,” men “giving away” their daughters (transferring property/finishing a business deal) at their weddings, etc, etc. We seriously need to stop treating children and females as property. 5y
Scochrane26 @GingerAntics Book sounds interesting. And yes, I agree. 5y
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 a really interesting thing I found out from the sample of this book was that “virginity” isn‘t even a medically recognised state. There is no medical definition of virginity. It‘s not even a real thing. It‘s nothing more than a state of mind, as it were. 5y
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