I can‘t put this book down! Everyone knows about how hard slaves had it but when you get put into their perspective it speaks volumes. #ucfssechains
I can‘t put this book down! Everyone knows about how hard slaves had it but when you get put into their perspective it speaks volumes. #ucfssechains
I was so confused by Madam's decision to sell Ruth out of nowhere, I felt blind sided which i thought was strange how all of a sudden she was being so nice to the girls! I just felt something was going to happen I just did not imagine the worst I guess. #ucfssechains
I'm only on chapter 4 but I love the relationship between Ruth and Isabel and how they will do anything to protect each other. #ucfssechains
I am a few chapters into Chains. Ruth and Isabels relationship is so sweet and it reminds me of me and my siblings. They do whatever it takes to protect me and I‘m grateful for them. I can‘t wait to read more! #ucfssechains
Currently on chapter 10 of Chains and it‘s been an incredible read so far. I can‘t wait to read what other sacrifices Isabel will make for her and Ruth‘s freedom! #ucfssechains
Isabel is such a great big sister!! will do anything to protect her younger sister Ruth. its so nice to read, as a mother to 3 daughters I hope they will always have each others back and do anything for each other! #ucfssechains
#ucfssechains I am 10 chapters into the book currently and I am so intrigued! I love the sister relationship we get to see between Isabel and Ruth. The way Isabel is so protective over Ruth reminds me of myself and my younger siblings. I'm curious to see how the book progresses with Isabel and Ruth living with the Locktons and her relationship with Curzon.
Can‘t wait to start reading this book!! The brief summary instantly caught my attention and I am so excited to read and find out for myself! #ucfssechains
I chose Chains by Laurie Halse Anderson for the #ucfssechains book club. I‘m very excited to start reading and enjoy the book!