Book Review: CounciDate by David Low
#athinsliceofanxiety #transgression #fiction #bookreviews #literaryjournal
Book Review: CounciDate by David Low
#athinsliceofanxiety #transgression #fiction #bookreviews #literaryjournal
Book review for Any Day You Can Die by Thommy Waite
#athinsliceofanxiety #anydayyoucandie #transgressivefiction #transgression #transgressiveliterature #expatlife #expat #crypto #drugsdrugsdrugs
This is going to be a long one. Sorry.
This is between a pick and a so-so for me. Ultimately, this is a really good story that is ruined by a cliche sermon tossed in randomly that disrupts the flow. It genuinely feels like that whole ridiculousness was added in later for some ridiculous reason.
The Ari and Rivka at the beginning of the book are a wonderful young couple who have their differences, but they‘re relatively healthy. 👇🏻👇🏻👇🏻
🤣😂🤣 I don‘t know if this is true, but it‘s funny!!! 🤣😂🤣 I can‘t stop thinking about this scene. 🤣😂🤣
#ingermanson #transgression #everybodyisinthereserves #ari #rivka
It‘s like someone went in and added this absolute rubbish line. I‘m almost not convinced Ingermanson wrote this sentence - at least not the last word. The rest of the book is so well written. This one sentences is just starkly different.
#ingermanson #transgression #cityofgodseries #wtf #whatjusthappenedhere
Arrogant SOB has lost his damn mind!!! Damian is the biggest idiot. Can I beat him up?! If he keeps Rivka and Ari apart, he better hope the ancient Romans crucify him, because I‘m going to make them look like they were playing. Butt face!!!
#ingermason #transgression #cityofgodseries #damian #rivka #ari #ariandrivka
Ooooooh, the title has many connotations within the story; and there are clearly many questions we don‘t even know to ask, but we definitely need the answers.
#ingermason #transgression #cityofgodseries #ari #answerlessquestions
The man of my dreams. A brain, but not full of himself. 🤣😂🤣
#ingermanson #transgression #cityofgodseries #ari
Just a few chapters in, but this is going very well. I‘m even rather enjoying the little bits of Hebrew mixed in. I think it‘s because I‘ve always had a fascination with the language. It was the first language I knew of that went right to left, and as a lefty that seemed very logical to me as a child.
#ingermanson #transgression #badbehavior #timeout #hebrew #cityofgodseries
Oh my god been there!!!
#ingermansom #transgression #pseudointellectuals