On “the darkest evening of the year”, when you want #tochasethedarkaway, Robert Frost is a good choice. Here‘s a link to him reading this poem. It brought me joy. #survivingdecember https://www.facebook.com/poetictouch.page/videos/996395927043344/
On “the darkest evening of the year”, when you want #tochasethedarkaway, Robert Frost is a good choice. Here‘s a link to him reading this poem. It brought me joy. #survivingdecember https://www.facebook.com/poetictouch.page/videos/996395927043344/
You guys... My first year on Litsy I have been blessed #MoreThanYouKnow! Only 2 of these books were for #travellingbook! I will have plenty of books #ToChaseTheDarkAway in 2018. I‘m gonna take a little break from swaps till I finish at least half this stack. 😅📚 #SurvivingDecember #DecDays