While my hubby was in the cheese shop, I popped into the charity bookshop next door 😜Picked up one book but I‘ll be back for more💚Who can deny giving charity?!?!
While my hubby was in the cheese shop, I popped into the charity bookshop next door 😜Picked up one book but I‘ll be back for more💚Who can deny giving charity?!?!
I listened to the audio back in February but now I‘m reading for bookclub next week. And since restrictions have been lifted we are allowed to meet in an outdoor setting as long as we wear our masks and stay 2 meters apart. #TheNewNormal 😷💙
Living my best life under the circumstances.
We‘re here. We‘re good. Maya‘s cough is getting better. We‘re making today all about having FUN. For me, that‘s taking a walk and reading. For Dr. Hubby it‘s doing yard work and playing VR. For Maya it is binge watching a Netflix show and working on a puzzle with us.
#thenewnormal #isolationinteractions
How are you doing today?