Completed it last week
What's nice in this is the story of Ira and Ruth Levinson and it make me think what kind of relation I want with my partner
#NicholasSparks #TheLongestRide #LoveStory #makingReadingADailyHabit #TryingToTurnIntoAAvidReader
Completed it last week
What's nice in this is the story of Ira and Ruth Levinson and it make me think what kind of relation I want with my partner
#NicholasSparks #TheLongestRide #LoveStory #makingReadingADailyHabit #TryingToTurnIntoAAvidReader
4.3 stars! This book is a celebration of love, life and a human desire, passion and experience. It is an uplifting story and I really enjoyed reading it. Recommend this!
#thelongestride #nicholassparks #septread #theczechedition #adult #contemporary #romance
I need help/opinions what should I read next #BeforeIFall (before I fall) OR #TheLongestRide (The longest ride) OR #RoyceRolls (Royce Rolls)