ARC bookmail 🌷 The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner on sale 5/26/2020 #thejaneaustensociety#NatalieJenner#stmartinspress#bookmailisthebest#goodreads#ARC
ARC bookmail 🌷 The Jane Austen Society by Natalie Jenner on sale 5/26/2020 #thejaneaustensociety#NatalieJenner#stmartinspress#bookmailisthebest#goodreads#ARC
I really enjoyed this book! It was an interesting weaving of unlikely characters as they come together to preserve history in the sleepy little village of Chawton immediately following the Second World War. They all have their own trauma to work through and are avid readers, especially of Austen, which brings them together. Definitely recommend! #arc #thejaneaustensociety #may2020