5 ⭐️ for all books in the trilogy
🤍 Managed to track these guys down on eBay after forever dying over bookstagram photos of them 🤍
Are there any special edition covers that you‘ve managed to get your hands on or are still on the hunt for?
#thehungergames #thehungergames10anniversary #hungergames #hungergames10thanniversary #hungergamesspecialedition #thehungergamesspecialedition #catchingfire #mockingjay #specialedition
Kimberlone I‘ve never seen these covers! Gorgeous 😍 5y
coral_chanel @Kimberlone I saw them on YouTube and Instagram a few times then just needed to track them down because look at them 😍 5y
Powered_By_Plants Wow 🤩 amazing covers!!! Awesome series isn‘t it. My all time fav 😍 5y
LibrarianRyan I have never seen these covers, but I love them. My mom took my original hard cover but I think I have the white special edition series someone else bought me. Or maybe it wasn't the white ones. I don't remember. 5y
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