There is no delight comparable to that receiving a box of books long-awaited. To receive that box on a Saturday which had most unexpectedly and unavoidably turned into a workday is both delight and balm. Happy February!
There is no delight comparable to that receiving a box of books long-awaited. To receive that box on a Saturday which had most unexpectedly and unavoidably turned into a workday is both delight and balm. Happy February!
I absolutely loved this translation of the Von Danzig longsword treatise. This one is easier to understand than others I've looked at since it focused on making it easier to read in modern English than it does on being exact in the translation.
#HEMA #longsword #swordmanship
Yet another sword manual added to my collection. I must get as many as I can!
#HEMA #swordmanship
Bought a new lange messer to practice all the Lecküchner sword plays with.
#Messer #HEMA #swordmanship
This beautiful volume translating and demonstrating Sigmund Ringeck's work on longsword technique arrived today. I snagged it off Thriftbooks for only $28, a fraction of what it typically goes for on the used market as it has been out of print for some time now.
#sword #swordsmanship #HEMA #longsword #history
Just got an email letting me know this was available on Thriftbooks. This is an incredible find. This book is out of print and a popular resource in the HEMA community. The same hardcover book on Amazon is going for $700+. I'll take this copy for $28 thank you very much!
#longsword #HEMA
This is a really good study guide to keep on hand if you are learning German Longsword. It covers all of the basics and is good to go through as you practice each concept. This book will likely stay with me in my gear bag instead of just sitting on a shelf.
#longsword #swordmanship #HEMA
This was a short comic about a young girls introduction into the world of Historical European Martial Arts. This is written by 14 year old Emma King, who is herself an historical fencer.
I found the comic via https://hroarr.com/community-news/news-hema-comic-book/
#comics #HEMA #longsword #swordmanship
An excellent translation of an early Joachim Meyer fight book, one that likely became the basis for his actual published one in 1570.
#hema #sword #swordmanship