Putting it into words will destroy any meaning. - Murakami
?/ ⭐️
Penso che lo dovrò rileggere
Fino alla fine ho aspettato mi spiegasse qualcosa, ma quel qualcosa non è mai arrivato
Un libro che ti lascia senza fiato e piuttosto perplessa, con passaggi straordinariamente toccanti e profondi e altri che ti fanno dubitare di quello che stai leggendo
Ho la sensazione di non aver recepito tutto quello che il libro voleva dirmi, e per questo ci vediamo alla prossima lettura per una recensione finale
Truly stunning. The artwork is exquisite. Nightlights is a lot spookier than I expected a picture book to get. Hicotea managed to have an unflinching moment looking at a dissected frog, then floated into a truly original world inside a turtle's shell and then made a point of indicating wetlands are under threat (if vaguely/supernaturally so).
@jlhammar posted about this one recently, and I had Hoopla borrows, so.
I love the art, and economy of line - Fretwell‘s face is dot dot dot and an elongated U,and yet Watson communicates so vividly with those few elements. It‘s remarkable. Reminds me a bit of Quentin Blake.
Story‘s a bit odd. I would‘ve titled it “The Perils of Passivity.” Fretwell just can‘t win–he even loses his lunch to a growly dog - but does nothing about it. Great art tho.
I enjoyed this graphic novel, but it‘s a strange one. Author G.H. Fretwell goes on tour to promote his latest novel and unwittingly becomes a murder suspect. Surreal and darkly comic.
Final #BookSpin wrap up for the year. I completed 9/12 picks. Not my greatest year but as always I enjoy making my monthly list and I enjoy seeing the titles coming off my tbr pile. Thanks for hosting another great year of reading @TheAromaofBooks now off to complete the google doc.