In the spirit of not being productive at work. Here are 10 lies I tell myself. Repost your top 10 lies with the hashtag #TodayWillBeDifferent. 😁
MicheleinPhilly #2 #Guilty 8y
celtichik #7 #superguilty 8y
WhatDeeReads 3 is me all day. Mine usually means "I'd rather be at home in my bed." 8y
readordierachel Oh man, I feel # 4. I haven't had hair past my chin in years. I've been "growing it out" for about 3 months and I'm already over it. 8y
Reese_Pearly.Pages @ReadOrDieRachel Omg. I can't keep more than 2 inches on my head. Even that much is pushing it. 😂 8y
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