Ok, last post about #soundofmusic2018
Yesterday was our final performance. It was such an amazing experience with some awesome people! I was so lucky to be able to be a part of this wonderful production. 🎶How do you solve a problem like Maria?🎶
Ok, last post about #soundofmusic2018
Yesterday was our final performance. It was such an amazing experience with some awesome people! I was so lucky to be able to be a part of this wonderful production. 🎶How do you solve a problem like Maria?🎶
Name that movie! 😉 After putting on two plays in one day (long, long day) I'm sitting down to relax and I see that a favorite is on❤ #soundofmusic2018 #timburtonforthewin
With the play 3 weeks away (yikes you guys!!) This nun is spending as much time possible learning her Latin and practicing lines. A snack of fruit is helping me through this practice session. I hope practice isn't cancelled for tomorrow due to the snow!!!
#soundofmusic2018 #theshowmustgoon #howdoyousolveaproblemlikemaria