I‘m quarantine ready! :) Book Mail is the best Mail!!!😍🥰🤩😍 #quarantine #sooverit #socialdistancing
TheNerdyProfessor I just finished My Dark Vanessa - a really heavy, but well-written novel! 5y
I‘m quarantine ready! :) Book Mail is the best Mail!!!😍🥰🤩😍 #quarantine #sooverit #socialdistancing
Gahhh! Even in my reading bubble with my quiet music and the TV off, I cannot get away from the freaking election! Lawdt, help me! I love you Kristen Ashley and I know that this was written ages ago in the grand scheme of things, but damn! Calgon, take my election fatigued ass AWAY! 😾😾 #ReadingBubble #OverElection2016 #SoOverIt #ReadForever #ButPleaseNotAboutTrump