True bookworms sleep with their books, right? #bookworm #bookwormproblems #sleepingwithbooks
True bookworms sleep with their books, right? #bookworm #bookwormproblems #sleepingwithbooks
Does anyone else fall asleep reading? This is what I wake up to sometimes...I tend to do most of my reading at night as I go to bed. Sometimes the bookmarks gets lost in the sheets or I drift off with my finger between pages. Either way I end up waking to my pile of books. Is there any better way to wake up? #sleepingwithbooks #viloniareads #vhsreads
I turn off the light, sling my arm over on the yellow sheet and my wrist hits something with a thud. "OW! WHAT THE??" as I'm turning on the light. A stack of comics I'd covered up and forgotten about. #SleepingWithBooks #Comics