This made me #SleepWithTheLightsOn. I read this as a teen, when I lived in a house that my mom and I fully believed was haunted. Strange stuff happened there, and at night there was always a strong sensation of a presence in the upstairs hall that made the hair stand up on the back of your neck. I wouldn't read this book until me and my cat were in bed for the night with the door shut and locked. #SlashIntoSummerReads @Tiffy_Reads
bobregina Oh I have to read this 😛 8y
batsy I can't imagine reading a horror story about a haunted house in a house that felt haunted 😨 8y
Laura317 The book and the movie - both gave me nightmares! 8y
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Varshitha Wow,, you are brave!! 😄 8y
AmyG I loved this boook. Read it when t came out. Horror was a favorite. 8y
JessClark78 @batsy Horror has been one of my favorite genres for years. I did have a lot of vivid nightmares when I lived in that house. 8y
kalinichta I just read this book a few years ago, and the writing style struck me as tabloid-style sensationalism - and either despite that or because of it, it was a fun read. I saw the movie when I was a kid, and I still give side-eye to houses with those fan-shaped windows. 8y