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Centique Amen to that! 6y
Daisey Agreed! 6y
Ddzmini @Centique and @Daisey 🙏😋 6y
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Book envy at my Grandma‘s house again!!

Bookladylinda 😍 I see some good stuff in there!!!! Open! Open! Open! 😂 6y
Crazeedi Your grandmother rocks! 6y
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#Readingresolutions @Jess7 #Sins
Seemed almost too appropriate for the prompt 😅 read this a couple of years ago, and it is one hell of an intense rollercoaster ride!

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#augustisatrip #hell #readingresolutions #sins

Hoping this devil is in hell for his sins.

Bookgirl Loved this book 6y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 😈 I want to read this!! 6y
vkois88 I was kind of disappointed by this book 😕 I wanted to read more about H.H. Holmes, but I feel like too much of it focused on the actual fair and the people organizing/building it. Though he certainly does belong in hell, Holmes' story is fascinating to me. It's insane he built the hotel of horror right under everyone's nose and got away with so much for so long. It always amuses me when people try to pin him as Jack the Ripper too 6y
mrp27 @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @vkois88 I haven't read this yet but I am also fascinated by this story. Found at my library for $.75 so if it's no good I won't feel bad about dnf'ing.😄 6y
vkois88 Haha that's fair! 6y
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Well, turns out that not only do I not own any books with “Hell” in the title, I also don‘t really have any books with #sins in the title. Content is no doubt another matter...😂 But I‘m not feeling particularly creative tonight, so you get this: subtitled “The Cranky, Beautiful Faith of a Sinner and Saint.” From the TBR—it will be read someday! #readingresolutions

BookInMyHands I loved this one. I saw the author preach in Portland a few years ago- she‘s amazing. 6y
LiterRohde I was introduced to her through YouTube recently - https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=VhmRkUtPra8&index=1&list=PLru7kHs-GAelfR5NiIfM95cK.... I did not know that she had any books. (edited) 6y
BarbaraJean @BookInMyHands @LiterRohde I‘ve read some short pieces from her online and have loved what she has to say! @jillrhudy I have that one on my TBR as well! A good friend was clearing out his shelves and I snagged both. I should really get one or the other into my “immediate TBR” before the year is out. 6y
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Some call these guilty pleasures, some would call these #sins... 🙊 #naughtygirl #anitablake #readingresolutions @Jess7

Hiroshima No Pika | Toshi Maruki
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#ReadingResolutions Day 5: The #Sins of war are captured so effectively in this viscerally affecting and visually disturbing picturebook. This is the story of 7yo Mii who lived in Hiroshima with her parents. That day when the bomb landed, she and her parents were sharing a breakfast of sweet potatoes brought by cousins who lived in the country. It was a blue and cloudless morning. My full review here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-8bV

The Sins of the Father | Jeffrey Archer
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Book 2 from the Clifton Chronicles by Jeffrey Archer. Seven books in this greatly addictive series that just keeps you wanting to read on and on. So sad to see the end of the series. Book 1 is Only Time Will Tell.
#ReadingResolutions #Sins

CoverToCoverGirl A most excellent series! 6y
Andrew65 @CoverToCoverGirl I loved every moment of it and had me in tears at the end! 6y
CoverToCoverGirl Lady Victoria was quite the piece of work wasn‘t she?! So well written! If you haven‘t read it already you should give this one a try! 6y
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Andrew65 @CoverToCoverGirl She was horrible! Think I must have read Kane and Abel, and the follow-up The Prodigal Daughter about 30+ years ago. I do remember them being great reads. 6y
Bookquilter I loved the entire a series... but I wanted to throw each book at least once... Archer is the master of twist and cliffhanger. 6y
Andrew65 @Bookquilter I know exactly what you mean, he knows how to annoy you as an author with those twists! 6y
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