Just spreading some #rowaelin love! ?❤️ Can't wait for "Kingdom of Ash" to be released...?
Just spreading some #rowaelin love! ?❤️ Can't wait for "Kingdom of Ash" to be released...?
"'Aelin frightens everyone.' He snorted. 'But not him. I think that's why she fell in love with him, against her best intentions. Rowan beheld all Aelin was and is , and he was not afraid.'" #Rowaelin ❤❤❤
"I claim you, Aelin. To whatever end" - Sarah J Maas, Heir of Fire
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“I will follow you to whatever end.”
— Sarah J. Maas, Heir of Fire
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How are you feeling about this cover? I'm excited to read the novel that begged Maas to write it, but where is my Chaol on this cover?!
"Libraries were full of ideas—perhaps the most dangerous and powerful of all weapons" - Sarah J Maas, Throne of Glass
#Bookstagram #instabooks #booknerd #bookworm #book #book? #bookaholic #bookgram #booklove #bookphotography #library #throneofglass #aelinashryvergalathnius #tog #sarahjmaas #rowan #rowaelin
"She crossed the small lingering distance between them, every step like the answer to some question she's asked from the moment her soul had sparked into existence." I loved this quote. So beautiful. Their relationship is so interesting. It's literally checks and balances with them. #EoS #empireofstorms #rowaelin #rowanwhitethorn #aelingalathynius #throneofglass #sarahjmaas
"The world will be saved and remade by the dreamers."
#bestbook #fivestars #aelin #rowan #rowaelin #manonblackbeak #sarahjmaas #sjmaasisqueen