I LOVED this book as a teen! It was funny and witty.
This is incredible. Animal lovers, be prepared for tears. The author‘s narration is so full of love for living creatures and a devotion to communicating.
Plus, gorgeous octopus pictures.
I‘ve already bought multiple copies for surprise gifting!
#octopus #oceanography #biology #animallover #love #ocean #reporting #journalism #symontgomery #thesoulofanoctopus #soulmates #water #nonfiction
I can be a little disconnected from current popular media, so I read this having no idea who Trevor Noah is to Hollywood, comedy or the acting stage. What a power! If there were more of his variety of life truth, poignant snark and raw honesty, I would engage with pop culture more.
There was no putting this book down.
#trevornoah #SouthAfrica #nonfiction #BIPOC #reporting #journalism