When I started the Reacher novels, I burned through the first dozen in a matter of months. I loved them. Now rereading this. I can‘t help hearing all the jackass dudebros trying to be as cool and inserting themselves into his persona. Reacher is still kinda fun and he always saves the day, but he‘s not as fun as I remember. #pop23 #readitlike10yearsago
KarenUK, Cortg, OriginalCyn620, Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick, BookBelle84, jenniferw88, AshleyHoss820, Laughterhp, squirrelbrain, BarbaraBB, jlhammar, Ruthiella, IndoorDame, RaeLovesToRead
RaeLovesToRead I've only read the first Reacher novel... it was entertaining in a daft kind of way 😆 2y
OriginalCyn620 I haven‘t read any of them! 2y
Cortg Haven‘t read this series but I‘m kinda excited to go back and read a book from 10+ years ago. My reading interests have changed soooooo much 😂 2y
squirrelbrain Yes, I‘m looking forward to that too! @Cortg 2y