So excited to get my hands on both of these. #ReadPOC
So excited to get my hands on both of these. #ReadPOC
I‘m sure we got in at least an hour with all the poems for my class that @brandybear22 read to me on an impromptu visit last night. Tagged book is the other required text for Queer and Trans Writing, and the professor has posted additional required and optional readings on Moodle 😍😍😍 Also pictured: cats immediately investigating the empty box I put on the floor. #24in48 #readathon #backtoschool #queerbooks #weneeddiversebooks #readPOC
Current #audiobook #diverseauthors #readpoc
We found this painting in the attic of our new home. 😳😳😳 Kid you not! It's hanging in our home now because October!!!
But seriously, what have we got for great horror reads by POC? My entire #Scaretober is white people authors - and I love me some horror. Got any suggestions for diversity? #weneeddiverseauthors #readPOC