I got this feeling about him throughout this book.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory
Okay, I promise this is my last Adnan‘s Story post...until they finally get him out.
I got this feeling about him throughout this book.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory
Okay, I promise this is my last Adnan‘s Story post...until they finally get him out.
This. Absolutely, this!!! It‘s so true, we should really change all the pictures and statues of lady justice, honestly.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory
Very excited when I saw this in the conclusion, because I‘d been thinking about this all along. There is a small chance that Adnan did kill Hae, but evidence is starting to show that chance is smaller and smaller to the point of being so negligible as to be laughable. If this applies to any case it‘s Adnan‘s.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory
It‘s clear to me that the state of Maryland is in no way concerned if Adnan was falsely or even illegally convicted. They‘re not concerned if he‘s been falsely imprisoned for 20 years. They just want to keep his case in the win column. They‘ve lost too many wins lately as it is.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory
There is actually no proof the timesheet was NOT falsified and the restrictions within the system (that still existed when this book was written 15+ years later) meant that Don‘s timesheet was falsified BEFORE anyone but the killer knew Hae was dead and not just missing. Oh and it was falsified under a manager he was not allowed to work under, because she was his MOTHER.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory #wtf
The evidence that the car was found elsewhere, not by Jay, then moved to the location where Jay “found it”, where Adnan supposedly put it is very compelling...and also explains why his defence attorney was only given black and white photos of the crime scene and car.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory
The thing that stands out to me here is the fact implicit in the one word “child.” He was just a kid. He was barely an adult when he was convicted. There is nothing but flimsy circumstantial evidence to tie him to the murder at this point.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory
So this was Adnan‘s mentor and his alibi whiteness, unfortunately. The dude was trouble and really hurt Adnan. It didn‘t help that the police possibly (probably) let him off of the hook for a child molestation charge in exchange for laying low and not testifying at the trial.
#adnansstory #rabiachaudry
As a side note, when this book was written, this guy was being investigated for sexually assaulting his dental patients.
In doing research online, I found photos of him that are more recent. He‘s definitely not the same baby faced kid in this photo. He‘s grown up A LOT since his trial.
I spent a lot of time since I finished this book writing a long, detailed review of this book. I still don‘t know if he did it or it, but I have my suspicions. I believe his friend Rabia did justice to his story, her journey to help him, and managed to tell his side of the story.
Love his little brother, seriously. I want to give him a hug, right after I give Adnan a hug.
#rabiachaudry #adnansstory #littlebrothers