I just finished tagged book. I will post a review once I gather my thoughts. Jumping straight to another one 😊💪 What are you CR?
#mindymcginnis #notadroptodrink #ya #survival
I just finished tagged book. I will post a review once I gather my thoughts. Jumping straight to another one 😊💪 What are you CR?
#mindymcginnis #notadroptodrink #ya #survival
Mindy McGinnis's debut novel is astonishing. Her protagonist Lynn, who has grown up in a world where water is scarce and she knows only her mother, a hard, pragmatic woman who prioritizes her daughter over everyone else. Lynn's coming of age requires her to consider issues of survival vs. compassion, self vs. community, and safety vs. caring/vulnerability. Amazing, bleak young adult novel reminiscent of Cormac McCarthy's The Road in its spareness.
The seven days seven books challenge!! The challenge is to post seven books you love for seven days. No explanation, no review and no information on the book needed. Just a book you love!
Day 5 #notadroptodrink #inahandfulofdust by #mindymcginnis