Very good! I love the idea of a talking tree sharing his space with animals and people. The story was so cute!
Plus how pretty is this #nakedcover 😍😍
Very good! I love the idea of a talking tree sharing his space with animals and people. The story was so cute!
Plus how pretty is this #nakedcover 😍😍
#LaborDayReads #Readingresolutions #September @Jess7 #nakedcover
I haven't done very well with #TwoInThree @Samplergal
#BookAWeekChallenge @TheReadingMermaid
160 of 350 pages still lol
Very good, I'm interested in finding out more about Chess, Hazel, Bea, Swedish, Loretta, Mrs. E and the fog
I chose blue, one of my favorite colors and the colors of my library💙💙
Pictured is my current read #nakedcover , my iced tea cup, my husband's stuffed squirtle, my blue flip-flop(yes I have big feet lol) and my fruit strip for tonight's snack.
#ManicMonday @JoScho
Page update on book is 378 of 766
Beautiful #nakedcover,,, and my dad‘s inspiration for my name ❤️. #riotgrams