The biggest achievement of #myreadingweek this week was definitely finishing (the last 800 pages of) Infinite Jest, aside from that my pick was School of Velocity. I'm ready to start on my Christmas reading now the beast has been slain!
The biggest achievement of #myreadingweek this week was definitely finishing (the last 800 pages of) Infinite Jest, aside from that my pick was School of Velocity. I'm ready to start on my Christmas reading now the beast has been slain!
#MyReadingWeek for last week. I didn't even realise I'd read two by Margaret Atwood until I put the graphic together 😅. Picks were Bastard Out of Carolina and Did You Ever Have A Family. The more I think about London Lies Beneath the more it feels more like a pan than a so-so...
#MyReadingWeek has been a bit average this week. Moonglow was fantastic and I loved The Bloody Chamber but the rest were fairly forgettable (the less said about the dire Slade House the better!). Hoping for better things next week!
#Myreadingweek (plus The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman and Bodies of Light by Sarah Moss as audiobook and eBook). A day late but it was a busy week while I was bedridden! My favourites were Island of Books, A Brief History of Time and Changing my Mind.
#myreadingweek Picks for this week were The Color Purple (it feels weird to spell it that way!) and Autumn but they weren't the best for distracting me from current events so I'm thankful I also had the imagined worlds of Terry Pratchett and Cornelia Funke to escape to. #escapism #fantasyvsreality
#myreadingweek (+ Michelle Paver's chilling Dark Matter)
Books I've hated, books I've loved, books I'm already struggling to remember. But the good were so very good, in particular NW by Zadie Smith, Like a Mule Bringing Ice Cream to the Sun by Sarah Ladipo Manyika. #week44