An excellent way to spent the day. Perhaps this will be my year of spycraft? I could see it.
An excellent way to spent the day. Perhaps this will be my year of spycraft? I could see it.
Good times! Definitely lighter in tone than some of the entries in this series. For all that the stakes include threats of everything from ruination of reputations, careers, to bodily injury and death, I'm pretty sure the body count was non-existent. 1/?
Thank you @thegirlwiththelibrarybag for these marvellous #AussieSecretSanta gifts. The books (wonderful surprises!) look great and I love the Group of Seven photo & the gorgeous bracelets. I‘m thrilled!
I love this series sooo soooo much. The characters are so interesting, screwups and fascinating as they try to save the world whilst the big boys are clueless as usual.
#Roll100 @PuddleJumper
This series is the only exception to my “read it before you see it” rule. Gary Oldman is phenomenal as Jackson Lamb—I love the way he plays the character—and having now read three of the books, I can say that the tv show does a great job of adapting already great stories. Laugh out loud funny, tense (even though I knew what was going to happen), and filled with more flatulence you would expect in a spy novel, this was another fantastic story.
Oh, Mick, you were doing so well in making each entry in this series a tensley-plotted and craftily-resolved story, with maybe a hint about what might be raised in the next novel. This alone provided an experience that had me coming back for more. This book, however, while containing as much tension and as many twists and turns, raised so many concerns, not enough of which were resolved, and those that were, were not very satisfactorily done. 1/?