This study made for an interesting read. I have a few questions on their methods, but it would be interesting to see other related studies. #collegelife #gradstudent #masscommunicationstudies #nonfiction #cognitivetheory #communicationstudies
This study made for an interesting read. I have a few questions on their methods, but it would be interesting to see other related studies. #collegelife #gradstudent #masscommunicationstudies #nonfiction #cognitivetheory #communicationstudies
Anther #nonfiction read for class, discussing how mood and emotion impacts cognitive processing. I know this one is a chapter from an actual book, but I don't remember what book. #collegelife #gradstudent #masscommunicationstudies #cognitivetheory #communicationstudies
This week's readings about the ways that emotion, mood, and personality influence cognitive processing of information were really interesting. #collegelife #gradstudent #masscommunicationstudies #nonfiction #cognitivetheory #communicationstudies
Most recently, our class talked about the role of mood and emotion in cognitive processing of information. I really enjoyed reading about this topic! #collegelife #gradstudent #masscommunicationstudies #nonfiction #cognitivetheory #communicationstudies