(Niou‘s wife): He is impossible. He has done each of the women here—every one who has at all caught his fancy. #Genji51
It piqued him that among his own sister‘s gentlewomen there should be any good-looking girl who had not allowed him to cultivate her acquaintance. #Genji52
@Daisey @llwheeler @bianca @saresmoore @bookandcat @mhillis @SoniaC @batsy @KathyR @TheWordJar @Faibka @RachelO @CindyMyLifeIsLit
saresmoore He is deplorable. But, then, they pretty much all are. For example, “In this way, Kaoru pleaded his case, and the Akashi Empress had no inkling of his lascivious ulterior motives.” #manipulativeKaoru 6y
Lindy @saresmoore I feel no pity for any of the men. I liked this sentence: Kaoru seemed now to have got into a state in which his life consisted solely in rushing from one senseless agitation to another. 6y