Hmm..just a few pages in. I can see why my Goodreads friends give it mixed reviews. I'm still going to give it a go, too soon for a final verdict. #booksandlunch #lunchtime #donotdisturb #breaktime #slowtostart #lunchwithbooks
Hmm..just a few pages in. I can see why my Goodreads friends give it mixed reviews. I'm still going to give it a go, too soon for a final verdict. #booksandlunch #lunchtime #donotdisturb #breaktime #slowtostart #lunchwithbooks
Spicing up my reading and lunch enchiladas today. 💃🏻#ole #lunchandabook #spicy #readsandeats #lunch #lunchwithbooks
❣🖊I am charmed by my lunch companion today.. Utterly charmed. #lunchwithbooks #icedtea #bookishdelight #bookmark
Audiobooks at lunch? This is a new beginning for me. I don't normally listen to audiobooks but am giving it a go. Anyone else on the fence with audiobooks or do you love them? #audiobooks #earbudson #listenup #espionage #lunchwithbooks #lunchhour
??This book should come with a warning. "This book is not conducive for reading during short lunch hours. It is recommended to take the afternoon off for optimal enjoyment" #lunchwithbooks #whatlunchhour #bookclubpick #bbbookclub
🍴📖Lunching with a new friend... #lunchwithbooks
I have been eagerly waiting in queue for a few weeks for my fellow library patrons to finish up with this one. Lunch and a book today.📚💕 #lunchwithbooks
🍴📖Fastest lunch hour ever...#lunchwithbooks